Exploring the role of product involvement in shaping impulsive buying tendencies in online retail environments.
Nathaniel David Lloyd
Bournemouth University
While currently viewed as a fixed trait within consumers, research now suggests that impulsivity is best measured as a product specific tendency, mediated by an individual’s involvement with a product category. Despite the recognised proliferation of online impulse buying behaviour, no empirical research has yet explored this notion within the context of online retail environments. This study addresses this omission and explores the mediating effect of product involvement on online impulse buying tendency within two product categories, music and clothing, as well assessing the extent to which product specific impulsiveness may affect the manner in which consumers interact with websites. Findings indicate that impulse buying tendency does vary according to product category in online consumers, and that this variance can alter the website characteristics consumers focus on when browsing. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed and areas for future research addressed.  Keywords: Online behaviour, impulse buying tendency, product involvement, e-commerce marketing stimuliReferences
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