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Vol. 3 No. 3 (2015)

‘‘Poppin’ bottles, getting wheysted.” Exploring young men’s engagement with fitspiration content and its consequential influences on attitudes and behaviour.

  • Lena Palmer
December 3, 2015


This paper explores young males’ current interaction with fitspiration. Its focus resides in the experiences and behaviours of the users and the content’s influence on body satisfaction, exercise behaviour, and attitudes towards masculinity. Existing literature has focused on traditional media, its creation of ideals and its effects on body image. However it has also highlighted how online sphere growth creates space for identity exploration, and one’s ability to pick and choose their own media to suit personal goals and gratifications. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore phenomena, with findings from the interpretive study suggesting men are selective about fitspiration they access, and ideals portrayed in mainstream media do not trickle down through social media, due to the sheer range of identities portrayed in online discourse. However, it also recognises how new media maintains the ability to influence ideas about masculinity, encouraging men to compare physiques and personalities to those they see in fitspiration.


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